FAQs for eye care professionals

Have questions about the referral process or the services we offer? We have answers! If you're not able to find the answer to your question below, feel free to email us at info@vlrehab.ca​.

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About Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada

Eligibility and services

Referring a patient

About Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada

What does Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada do?

Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada is the country's leading provider of vision loss rehabilitation services. We serve people of all ages and types of vision loss – from low vision to total blindness – on referral from health care professionals, as well as community organizations, family members, and patients themselves. Our certified specialists provide our clients with a range of services to help them build their mobility, independence and confidence.

Are you affiliated with CNIB?

Yes, CNIB is one of our affiliate organizations. Although we are a distinct and separate organization, we are proud to partner with the CNIB team to improve the lives of people who are blind or partially sighted across Canada. 

Is Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada a charity?

No, we are not a charitable organization, and we receive no funding from donations of any kind.

How are you funded?

The services offered by Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada are funded by provincial governments across Canada. 

Are you affiliated with CNIB?

Yes, CNIB is one of our affiliate organizations. Although we are a distinct and separate organization, we are proud to partner with the CNIB team to improve the lives of people who are blind or partially sighted across Canada. 

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​Eligibility and services

What services do you offer?

Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada offers a wide variety of programs and services for people of all ages and all types of vision loss. Our services are designed to help people regain their independence, safety and mobility following a loss of sight. Click here to learn more about our services

What are the eligibility criteria for patients?

Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada doesn't have a minimum visual acuity standard for referrals. We rely on your professional expertise to refer patients to us at the appropriate time in their experience of vision loss. In most cases, referrals are recommended as soon as a patient has lost enough vision to interfere with their confidence and ability to complete everyday tasks, regardless of whether a course of treatment has been completed. It's also at your discretion to refer a patient to us earlier in the vision loss process if you believe it will be helpful. 

What can my patient expect from their rehabilitation plan?

Our certified specialists will work closely with your patient to identify their goals and objectives, and to develop a comprehensive and personalized rehabilitation plan that will help them increase their confidence and independence.

What credentials do your specialists hold?

Most of our specialists are fully certified by the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals, and those who have not yet received certification are in the process of completing the requirements to be certified.  We are committed to providing the highest quality of care for every person we serve. 

Where in Canada are your services available?

We serve people across Canada, including in rural and remote locations. Depending on the patient's location, as well as their needs, our services may be delivered in the patient's home or community, their workplace, over the phone, online or at one of our clinic locations.  

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​Referring a patient

How can I refer a patient?

Once you and your patient decide it's time for vision loss rehabilitation therapy, you can refer them using our online referral form. Using the online referral form will give us all the information we need to work with your patient and develop a personalized rehabilitation plan for them. If you're unable to use our online form, you can print a referral form and fax it to 416-480-7700​.

Can my patient refer themselves?

Yes, your patient – or a member of their family – is welcome to reach out to Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada directly. However, our preference is to receive referrals from members of the health care community, as these professionals are generally able to provide more information about the patient's eye health history.

How quickly will you contact my patient after I refer them?

Within 10 business days of receiving your referral, we'll contact your patient to discuss their goals and work with them to develop a customized rehabilitation plan. If, after reviewing your referral, your patient is considered an urgent case, we will contact them within one business day.​

What information will I receive about my patient's ongoing care?

Within one month of the patient beginning their personalized rehabilitation plan, we'll update you to let you know what services they are receiving.​

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