Our Team

A group of racially diverse people take a selfie together

Client Care Navigators

A female medical professional sits at a desk while talking on the phone.

Our dedicated Client Navigators are our clients' personal guide throughout their healthcare journey. They provide constant support and information.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Client Care Navigators.

Certified Low Vision Therapist CLVT

A female medical practitioner holds a multi-coloured object for a vision evaluation

Our Certified Low Vision Therapists (CLVT) use functional vision evaluation instruments to assist clients with environmental modifications and basic activities of daily living.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Certified Low Vision Therapists.

Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist CVRT

A woman with vision loss sits at a desk with a health care provider

Our Certified Vision Rehab Therapists focus on instructing clients on how to use adaptive communications, including large-print, braille and audio products.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Certified Vision Rehab Therapists.

Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist COMS

A woman walks across the street with a man who is holding a white cane for navigation

Our Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists help clients to navigate their environments safely and confidently - whether it's in the home, school, workplace or taking public transit.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialists.

Assistive Technology Specialist ATS

A female health care practitioner sits in front of a laptop with an elderly man next to her

Our Assistive Technology (AT) Specialists evaluate, recommend, and train clients on assistive technologies so they can function at school, work and home.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Assistive Technology (AT) Specialists.

Occupational therapist OT

A young health care practitioner stands over an older man who is seated in front of a laptop

Our Occupational Therapists work with clients in hospitals and community settings to maximize their existing skills and can offer them easier alternatives to do things.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Occupational Therapists.

Counsellors (Social Worker, Psychologist)

A female mental health counsellor sits on a couch next to a woman wearing military fatigues

Vision loss is a significant life event that brings with it a range of emotions such as loneliness, helplessness, anxiety and depression. With this in mind, we have expanded our services to include therapeutic counselling with compassionate and empathetic registered psychologists and social workers.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Counsellors.

Clinical Service Coordinator

A female mental health counsellor sits on a couch next to a woman wearing military fatigues

An emerging role within VLRC is Clinical Service Coordinators who work within some of our concentrated programs, including rapid response and stroke rehabilitation.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Clinical Service Coordinators.