VLRC Services

We provide information, education, skills training and active rehabilitation to Canadians. Any individual with vision loss can access VLRC services and programs. We provide services for infants, children, adults and seniors, in addition to working with caregivers and health care teams.

VLRC offers health care services in:

  • Hospitals
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Clinic spaces
  • Client's homes
  • Communities
  • Workplaces
Tier 1 Core Services
Tier 2 Primary Service Provision
Tier 3 Specialized Services
Tier 4 Concentrated Programs
Tier 5 Rapid Response

Tier 1 Core Services

A smiling female health care worker wearing a blue top

VLRC's Client Care Navigation service is the initial step to accessing our client services, ensuring that our clients receive personalized and ongoing assistance for life. Clients can contact our care navigators at any time to address new needs, initiate services, or access broader healthcare and community resources.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Client Navigation Service.

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Tier 2 Primary Service Provision

A smiling female health care worker wearing a blue top

Our Primary Service Provision (PSP) is a specialized service that caters to an individual's vision rehabilitation needs. Approximately 70-80% of our clients find that PSP meets their requirements, making it a crucial component of our vision rehabilitation services.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Primary Service Provision.

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Tier 3 Specialized Services

A man wearing dark sunglasses sits in a park, holding a cell phone in one hand and a white cane in the other

Our specialized services are specifically designed to enable clients to achieve optimal levels of independence by targeting their long-term and advanced objectives. These services are particularly appropriate for clients with profound vision loss, who may have additional complex requirements. Our specialized services support the needs of clients who require a greater number of visits to achieve their identified goals. Some examples of the objectives that our clients pursue through these services include:

  • Ride public transit with confidence and safety
  • Navigate new environments like a workplace or school campus
  • Learn how to use a white cane to walk safely and independently
  • Use assistive technology to achieve education or employment
  • Shopping for and preparing full meals
  • Learn to read and write Braille
  • Independent community mobility (wayfinding, intersections)

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Specialized Services.

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Tier 4 Concentrated Programs

A female health care worker guides an older woman down a set of stairs

VLRC offers an expanded array of programs to match the complex needs of individuals with vision loss. These programs are designed to fill gaps in care and reduce the overall burden on the healthcare system.

There are four programs within this tier:

  1. Stroke Rehabilitation
  2. SAFE-Sight Loss Awareness in Falls Education (Falls Prevention)
  3. Aging in Place
  4. Eye Health Screening Initiative

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Concentrated Programs.

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Tier 5 Rapid Response

A group of medical practitioners having a discussion in a hospital

This program is designed for clients:

  • Who have experienced traumatic or sudden vision loss
  • Where visual impairment negatively impacts their participation in rehabilitation
  • Whose vision impairment is impinging discharge from the hospital

A VLRC Service coordinator will work with health professionals or discharge planners to facilitate access to vision rehabilitation services in the most appropriate setting.

Click here to learn more about VLRC's Rapid Response Program.

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