
Who are the Veterans we serve?

Male and female Canadian peacekeepers wearing beige fatigues and blue berets standing in a line

VLRC provides vision rehabilitation services to current and former members of the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP. These individuals must have qualified for healthcare insurance coverage with Medavie Blue Cross and be eligible for vision/eye care benefits (POC-14). If you are unsure about your eligibility for vision/eye care benefits, our client care navigators can help you contact Medavie Blue Cross or VAC to confirm.

VLRC can provide services covered by provincial health insurance to veterans who don't qualify for healthcare benefits and don't have insurance through Medavie Blue Cross.

For a full list of groups eligible for coverage, please refer to Eligibility for Health Care Programs – Eligible Client Groups on the VAC website and the benefit grids on this website.

Eligibility confirmation 

Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers wearing their iconic red coats stand in front of a building

To receive healthcare services through VAC, qualifying veterans will have been issued a healthcare identification card with an ID number that begins with a ‘K’ and is referred to as a K-number. Currently, healthcare identification cards are issued through Medavie Blue Cross. 

In addition to having a K-number, veterans must also be eligible for vision care (POC-14) benefits. VAC or Medavie Blue Cross must confirm eligibility.

Program of Choice (POC) 14

A female Canadian sailor stands on a ship’s deck in front of the deck binoculars (“big eyes”).

The Program of Choice (POC) 14 policy offers guidance regarding vision care benefits for eligible clients. These benefits and services are designed to preserve, maintain, and correct vision while also addressing clients’ specific vision care requirements. Benefits coverage for products/equipment differs by province but all coverage includes vision rehabilitation services and programs.


A woman with long grey hair and heavily tattooed sits on a couch and holds a coffee cupIf a veteran is eligible for vision/eye care (POC-14), then VLRC can provide up to 40 hours of service per year. VLRC services and programs do not require pre-authorization by VAC.

However, products, also known as equipment or aids, DO require pre-authorization from VAC.

VLRC specialists will assist veterans in obtaining authorization for all vision-related products they are eligible to receive.

*All preceding photos courtesy of Canadian Forces Combat Camera.