Make a referral

Are you or someone you know, experiencing vision loss that's affecting mobility or independence? If so, we’re only a few clicks away. Please fill out the form below for yourself, a family member, an employee, or a student. Our friendly and experienced client navigators will contact you within an average of 10 days, sooner if it’s an urgent situation.

We encourage you to complete all fields on this form so that we can build the best possible rehabilitation plan for you or the person you're referring.  Only fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. 
If you need assistance filling out this form, give us a call toll-free at 1-844-887-8572.

If you prefer, you can download and complete an accessible version of the Community Referral Form (PDF)​​​ and send it by fax to 416-480-7700.​

Community/Self-Referral Form

Section One: Information of the person being referred

Section Two: Supplemental personal information

This is a multi select - Use Control + Select to choose multiple options

Section Three: Reason(s) for referral
How does the person’s vision loss impact their quality of life? (e.g., safety, job/academic, daily living, other):

Section Four: Eye examination and other information

Section Five: Consent

If a substitute decision-maker is providing consent on behalf of the person being referred please complete the following:

Section Six: Referring agency information